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Securing Benefits For Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia used to be a sure path to complete disability in past generations. Today, many highly effective medications can keep schizophrenia under control. People with schizophrenia may or may not be able to continue working. Even if they cannot work full time, many can live rewarding lives. If you or a loved one has a diagnosis of schizophrenia, one or more of the following options may offer hope:

Experienced disability lawyers at Philip J. Fulton Law Office can help you collect benefits you are entitled to when schizophrenia is a disability. In some cases, a mild or well-controlled case of schizophrenia in combination with other conditions may amount to the level of disability needed to qualify you for benefits. We are prepared to analyze your case in detail and help you tap into all available resources as you cope with your mental disability.

Social Security Disability Benefits For Schizophrenia — Start With A Free Consultation

Our services are available on a contingency fee basis. We will ask for payment only if we are successful in getting you the benefits you need.

To learn more, call 614-963-9569 or send us an email to discuss your case with one of our Columbus, Ohio, schizophrenia disability attorneys.