Bipolar Disorder Is Never Easy. SSD Benefits Can Help.
Being diagnosed with bipolar disorder is unsettling at the very least. This disorder is often identified among people in their 20s. A young person with the disorder may face serious questions about employability and related issues.
If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder (formerly known as manic depression), you may respond well to medications and be able to return to the work force. But you may be unable to work because of your condition. Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits may be an option if doctors confirm that you are unable to work at a full-time job for a year or more because of your bipolar disorder.
You may be able to continue receiving benefits even if you are able to return to work for up to nine months, under the “return to work” program.
Philip J. Fulton Law Office can help ensure that you identify and tap into all compensation and benefits you are entitled to after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Our experienced disability lawyers are prepared to analyze your case and make recommendations on the best strategy for obtaining benefits.
Bipolar Disorder Disability Claim — Start With A Free Consultation
Our services are available on a contingency fee basis. This means we will ask for payment only if we are successful in getting you the benefits you need.
To learn more, call 614-963-9569 or send us an email to discuss your case with one of our Columbus, Ohio, bipolar disorder disability attorneys.