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Complications that arise in some cases of traumatic brain injury

On Behalf of | May 11, 2016 | Brain Injury

Working in construction or other environments can put you at risk of serious harm. Even slipping and falling on a slick floor can result in serious head injuries that you now have to deal with before you can go back to work.

There are many complications that can arise from a traumatic brain injury. Some include an altered consciousness, seizures, and intellectual problems. As a person recovering from a traumatic brain injury, knowing what you’re facing is necessary. Knowing that your symptoms may improve can help your recovery, and knowing how long you’ll be treated and what kind of treatments you’ll need can help your attorney settle your case for a fair amount of compensation.

The first complication can be severe; it typically means the person is in a coma or other altered state. An altered consciousness can vary from a coma where a person is unconscious to locked-in syndrome, which is when a person is aware of his or her surroundings and is awake but unable to communicate or move. In this state, eye movements may be the only available way to communicate.

Seizures can also occur after brain damage. It’s more common for those who suffered a traumatic brain injury to have seizures for the first week following the injury with seizures lessening after that time. However, some people develop post-traumatic epilepsy, which can mean they suffer from seizures for many months, years, or the rest of their lives.

Yet another potential complication is categorized as an intellectual problem. Simply put, it can mean you struggle with memory, problem-solving, decision-making, learning, reasoning, or other often-used intellectual functions.

Source: Mayo Clinic, “Traumatic brain injury,” accessed May 11, 2016