There are a number of options a person in Franklin, Ohio, can pursue after becoming injured on the job. Some decide to choose workers’ compensation, often covering some of the financial costs while the injury mend. Others choose to pursue Social Security Disability benefits — many of these people have contracted conditions that will leave them unable to return to work in the capacity at which they once performed.
According to data, the number of Americans who are receiving SSD benefits has surged in the past 20 years. Figures show that at the end of 2011, there were 11.7 million people receiving said benefits. Two decades before that, there were only 5.2 million people getting SSD payments. These recipients are not scattered evenly from state-to-state as some people are more prone to becoming injured, especially due to health issues. For instance, West Virginia has the highest ratio of individuals receiving SSD benefits with one out of every ten people aged 18 to 64 getting them. Researchers believe this is due in part to health conditions.
West Virginia is not only home to the highest disability rate, it also is home to the highest or second-highest rates in categories such as recurring back, leg and knee pain. It has the same escalated rates for hypertension, diabetes and heart attacks. Many experts discussing the increased rate of SSD benefits — not just in West Virginia but across the country — point toward the fact that many baby boomers are reaching ages that make them more susceptible to serious injury. In addition, women who began working in the 1970s and 1980s are now able to apply for Social Security for the first time, giving them the chance to access disability benefits when needed.
People who apply for SSD often do not have their application approved on the first try. If you are hoping to receive benefits for an unexpected disability, speak with an attorney who specializes in getting Social Security applications approved.
Source: 24/7 Wall St, “States with the Most Americans on Disability” No Author Given, May. 20, 2013