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Woman dies at desk; husband receives workers’ compensation

On Behalf of | Jul 7, 2011 | Workers' Compensation

There have been numerous studies published recently about the dangers associated with working a sedentary job. New research shows that sitting for six or more hours a day – regardless of how much physical activity you do after that – can lead to increased risks of early death.

Some of the research that has been published encourages individuals to take walking breaks while they are working or to find ways to incorporate exercise into their work. In reality, though, there are some jobs in Columbus that need to be completed at a desk.

Recently, a woman died after working long hours from her home office. Her husband will receive workers’ compensation because her death was caused by a blood clot that formed while she was working at her desk.

The company where the woman worked initially denied the worker’s compensation claim. The company said there were numerous factors that led to the woman’s death. She weighed more than 300 pounds, which can cause restricted blood flow. In addition, she was also taking birth control pills, which can increase a person’s risk of blood clots.

Doctors agreed that the blood clot and the woman’s subsequent death occurred when the woman was working overnight hours at her desk. Typically, blood clots in the leg form when someone does not move for an extended period of time. If the blood clot moves, it can block an artery, killing the individual.

Because the woman died while she was working, the courts eventually ruled in favor of awarding the man workers’ compensation benefits.

Source: Newjerseynewsroom.com, “Husband of obese N.J. woman who died at her desk awarded workers comp benefits,” Bob Holt, 29 June 2011