Injuries in the workplace can take you by surprise and leave you wounded beyond what you ever thought possible. Machinery can cut, slice and amputate limbs, and slipping or falling can cause you traumatic brain injuries or worse. Your employer has a responsibility to make sure you are not in harm’s way on the job, and when safety procedures lack, you can seek compensation for the injuries you’ve suffered.
Normally, if you’re hurt on the job and suffer a brain injury like a concussion or aneurysm, you’ll have a right to seek workers’ compensation. It’s possible to be denied benefits even if you’re hurt, but you can appeal that decision to make sure you get the compensation you need to care for yourself and to pay down medical debts.
If you’re injured by a third party or your injury is a result of a mechanical failure, then you may want to consider litigation against the third party in the form of a civil lawsuit. The other party could include contracted workers, manufacturers or others whose negligence or inaction led to your injuries.
Our website has more information about personal injuries and how they can affect you now and in the future. If you have a brain injury, your future has been impacted in ways that you still may not fully understand. The fact is, whether you’ve suffered from a loss of hearing due to years of working without earplugs or repetitive motion injuries from working on a manufacturing line for too many hours without a break, you deserve to have your case heard and fought for.