Brain injuries can happen through falls, through being struck by equipment and in many other ways in a work environment. Sometimes, the incident doesn’t even have to look that traumatic to an outside observer to seriously injure the brain. This can lead to lasting cognitive issues, such as:
— Trouble remembering things that just happened.– The loss of long-term memories.– Difficulty paying attention to what is happening or concentrating on a task.– Difficulty processing pieces of information that one is given.– Communication issues.– Problems planning things out in advance.– Inability to make decisions.– Difficulty resisting impulses.– Inability to be patient.– Problems with speech, language and communication.– Issues with reading and comprehension.
As you can see by reading through this list, a brain injury can make it quite hard to hold down the very job that led to the injury. If you previously worked as the floor supervisor in a warehouse and you now have trouble communicating with employees, reading instructions and remembering what tasks must be accomplished that day, for example, the injury could mean the end of your employment.
These issues can also last for a lifetime. Some will heal quickly, some will heal in time and some never will. Often, doctors don’t even know how things will go, as everyone heals differently. A simple accident can, in this way, have a drastic impact on both your personal and professional life.
If this happens, be sure that you know about all of your rights to compensation in Ohio — especially if you’ll never be able to work again.
Source: Brainline, “Cognitive Problems After Traumatic Brain Injury,” Dawn Neumann and Anthony Lequerica, accessed Sep. 24, 2015