This space has been used previously to discuss various ways of qualifying for Social Security Disability Insurance. Obtaining the correct documentation to prove to the Social Security Agency that you are unable to work due to a physical or mental condition that will last longer than a year or result in death can be difficult at the best of times. Further, as has been touched on before, most disability claims are denied at the first step of the application, meaning that case may have to go to a hearing in front of an administrative law judge, a process that can take some time to complete.
There are, however, certain conditions for which the SSA will expedite the process. These conditions are referred to as compassionate allowance conditions and, according to the SSA, they exist because the agency has a responsibility to provide benefits as fast as possible to individuals whose conditions are serious enough to obviously meet the SSA’s standards for disability. While people with these conditions use the same forms as anyone else to apply for SSDI or SSI, they may receive a decision on their benefits in weeks, rather than months or years. According to SSA, the time it takes depends upon how quickly the condition can be documented, whether a physical examination is required and certain quality control procedures.
There are currently 100 conditions on the compassionate allowance list. The list includes diseases ranging from inoperable and metastasized cancers, to rarer conditions such as Tabes Dorsalis and Wolman Disease. The SSA says that the list is compiled based upon outreach hearings, the advice of various medical and scientific experts, research at the National Institutes of Health and comments from the community.
If you have questions or concerns about whether you may qualify for expedited processing under the compassionate allowance system, or any other issue with regard to a claim for SSDI, you may wish to consider contacting an experienced Ohio disability attorney. These professionals may be able to help guide you through the sometimes complicated nature of government benefits applications.