After suffering a brain injury, you may want to go back to work. This should be possible, but you may need to have some accommodations to help you as you recover. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you should receive reasonable accommodations on the job.
You aren’t required to disclose the fact that you have a brain injury to your employer. If you need assistance in your job, then you may want to do so to request reasonable accommodations. Your employer should accommodate you to the best of their ability by identifying areas where you need help. For instance, if you’re physically limited or unbalanced, then your employer may choose to have you work in only clear pathways. He may also choose to provide you with a special handicap parking space and access to ramps or handrails as necessary.
If you suffer from visual problems due to your condition, you should be able to request paperwork in large print and changes in lighting where possible. You may request to be in an office with more natural light, and a glare guard could be provided for you to help reduce strain from using the computer.
For those with trouble with stamina following a brain injury, an employer should be flexible. More frequent work breaks may be helpful, and a self-paced workload provides a way for you to take on only the work you can handle to avoid fatigue. Part-time work scheduling may be good for this situation, but if you need full-time work, then your employer may consider allowing you to work from home if possible or to give you an assistant to help you through the day.
Source: Job Accommodation Network, “Accommodation and Compliance Series: Employees with Brain Injuries” accessed Feb. 18, 2015