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But can you believe it?

On Behalf of | Dec 26, 2013 | Social Security Disability

For the average person in Ohio, dealing with a tax return may be the most complex document they have had to deal with from the government. If you have been injured or developed a disease the make it impossible for you to work, you may need to apply for benefits from a program like Social Security disability insurance (SSDI), you may find the application is much more complex.

You may go online to research how the SSDI program works. You may review the types of medical conditions that the Social Security Administration (SSA) considers disabling. You will find a wealth of information on the SSA site, but there is such a quantity that if you are not already familiar with how all of the pieces fit together, they may not help with your application.

In addition to all of the useful, albeit, sometimes confusing information from sites like the SSA, you may find a great deal of other information concerning the SSDI program. Much of this is less useful information and some of it may be inaccurate.

There has been much controversy involving the SSDI program based on news reports that often implies that the ranks of SSDI beneficiaries include many cases of fraud. These news stories often mischaracterized elements of the program and suggested that anyone could obtain “crazy checks” without much effort.

We know that from working with SSDI applicants in Ohio that this is an insult to all of those with genuine disabilities, and that the stories often use anecdotal evidence to suggest that one or two exceptions are the norm.

While you can find out a great deal on the topic of SSDI, if you are confused by contradictory information, check the source of the information and confirm it is not presenting information out of context or creating other misleading impressions.

Source: MediaMatters.org, “6 Ways Media Attacked America’s Social Safety Net In 2013,” Craig Harrington, December 21, 2013