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Ohio Workers’ Compensation

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Many have a role to play in Ohio workers’ compensation claims

On Behalf of | May 25, 2023 | Workers' Compensation

Ohio is one of only four states with monopolistic workers’ compensation laws. Essentially, this means employers must obtain coverage through a state-operated program instead of a private insurance company. Contrary to common belief, it does not mean they can choose not to provide injury coverage.

Living in a state with laws that differ from those in other regions can confuse those with workplace injuries. Below, you will learn your and your employer’s roles after an occupational injury occurs.

What is your role?

Employees must report a work accident or injury to their employer, but that is not their sole responsibility. According to the state Bureau of Worker’s Compensation (BWC), you must also meet the following requirements.

  • Inform your employer if you file a claim
  • Promptly give the BWC all requested information
  • Follow all medical orders care providers issue

Additionally, injured workers must keep their employers apprised of their condition and progress.

What is your employer’s role?

Aside from providing workers’ compensation coverage, employers have other duties when a worker is injured.

  • Report the injury to the BWC
  • Perform thorough investigations after accidents
  • Decide whether to reject or certify claims and inform the BWC promptly
  • Monitor injured workers who need time off

Employers must also coordinate with medical care providers and BWC personnel to develop strategies to help the injured continue working.

As you can see, it takes collaboration, communication and cooperation between multiple parties to obtain the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve. If you believe your employer is trying to harm your claim or falling short of their responsibilities, legal guidance can help you find a solution.