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The process of getting workers’ compensation benefits in Ohio

On Behalf of | May 9, 2018 | Workers' Compensation

Knowing how to respond following a workplace accident and what steps to take next can be essential for injured workers. The period of time following a workplace accident can be difficult for injured workers as they are unable to work and face mounting medical bills to treat their injury. Obtaining the right medical care and needed benefits can be critical to getting their lives back to normal, which is why workers’ compensation benefits are important to understand.

When a worker has suffered a workplace injury in Ohio, they should immediately seek medical assistance and report their work-related injury to their employer. It is also important for the worker to be familiar with their managed care organization, so they can provide that information to their doctor and also ensure the proper paperwork is being completed. There are different types of workers’ compensation benefits available for workers who have suffered workplace injuries in an on-the-job accident.

To begin with, injured workers may be eligible for wage loss benefits. If the injured worker is unable to return to work for greater than eight days because of the workplace injury they have suffered, workers’ compensation benefits will pay a percentage of their lost wages. In addition, workers’ compensation will pay for all continuing and necessary medical treatment subject to some requirements. The workers’ compensation process also includes help for workers to safely return to work which may include modifying the duties they carry out at work, putting them on light duty or other changes they can suggest that may not include a reduction in pay. In addition, there is a process for contested workers’ compensation claims.

For any worker injured on the job, the experience can be alarming and upsetting because of the dual threats to their health and livelihood. Because of this, it is important for them to be familiar with workers’ compensation benefits and how they can help them and their families through the challenging time following a workplace injury.

Source: Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, “What to Do Before and After a Workplace Injury Occurs,” Accessed May 7, 2018