You work in a high-risk occupation and know that you could be injured at any time. That’s why you rely on yourself and others to take care when you’re in the workplace. You don’t want an accident to take place when it could have been easily prevented with a few extra steps for safety.
Despite good intentions, sometimes workplace hazards do result in injuries. When that happens, you need to know that you have the right to make a claim and seek the compensation you need. Whether you’re now permanently disabled or need to cover lost wages for a few months when you had to go through rehabilitation, it’s important that you know the rights you have in your situation.
Workers’ compensation insurance is generally used in your field to help you get compensated following an injury. This isn’t the only way to get compensated, though. In fact, you may be able to make a claim against the manufacturer of a product that backfired or didn’t work correctly, or you could make a claim against a third party who was negligent and caused your injury.
All it takes is a moment of negligence to lead to a disaster. Even with all the right safety equipment in the workplace, accidents can still happen if employees don’t choose to follow safety protocols. Your future and health shouldn’t have been put at risk because others didn’t want to follow the rules. Now, you may be able to claim compensation while you work to heal. Our website has more information about workers’ compensation and your next steps.