If you’re injured at work, you probably think that your employer will have to pay any amount that covers your future needs and current bills. That’s not entirely true, according to this recent update from Oct. 15. The Ohio Supreme Court has now limited the allowances for psychological and psychiatric care associated with workers’ compensation claims.
The claims that are being limited are those mental conditions directly caused by a person’s physical injury received on the job. This does not apply to those that arise at the same time as the injury, but not necessarily because of it. Ohio does not recognize “mental-mental” claims, which are things like mental or environmental stimuli causing an emotional reaction, according to the news, but the Ohio Industrial Commission and courts do recognize mental injuries associated with physical injuries. These include things like emotional trauma based on the event that caused a physical injury or the emotions brought on by the situation a person has been placed in due to the workers’ compensation claim.
The article does not say how much the state of Ohio has limited compensation to for mental injury, but since they coincide with physical ailments, the workers would be receiving both payouts at the time of a resolution, not just a mental or physical ruling. Some mental conditions that are being covered are post-traumatic stress disorder and depression associated with an accident, according to the report. In one instance, for example, the person injured had witnessed another driver die, and after he was treated for his back injuries, he suffered from PTSD related to what he saw. In that case, mental anguish was considered pain and suffering and was paid.
Emotional or physical pain from a work-related injury is serious and should be treated as such. If you’re hurt at work, you may want to consider your options.
Workerscompensation.com, “October 2013 – Ohio News Update” No Author Given, Oct. 15, 2013