If you had a family member who was killed due to an accident in the workplace, you may have thought about seeking compensation for your losses through a wrongful death suit. In some cases, you may be able to regain financial losses and money to cover expenses related to your loved one’s passing. One recently released news report should make you happy, though, because the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation has now awarded over $258,000 to safety intervention grants, so workplaces can be just a little safer for those you love.
According to a report from Sept. 30, the Governor has supported the increase of efforts to promote workplace safety in Ohio, so the state’s workers can be safer when on the job. This new increase has nearly tripled the amount of money available and has afforded the state the ability to expand eligibility for the program. The $258,000 is allegedly going to be split up among nine different employers in the state for increases in their safety practices.
This Safety-Intervention Grant Program has been designed to help employers in Ohio reduce worker injuries and illnesses, and it helps them establish good practices that will, hopefully, prevent injuries in the workplace. Some of the local businesses that will be affected include Gator Construction Inc. in Stark County, Canton Chair Rental in Stark County and Ohio Precision Molding Inc. in Summit County. Each of the nine companies will receive a different amount of money to help them adjust their workplaces to make them safer for workers. For example, Ohio Precision Molding Inc. has been awarded $40,000 for the purchase of a new central loading and blending system. This should, in theory, help reduce the risk of strains due to repetitive motions, and it is hoped that it will reduce the chance of falling injuries.
Workplace injuries can cause irreparable harm. Workers’ compensation is supposed to take care of the medical care and disability payments injured workers deserve, but many times, it is a long legal battle in order for those workers to receive the benefits they are entitled to. Injured workers should not wait to appeal a non-favorable decision when it comes to workers’ compensation. There are many ways to fight such a decision and to get the benefits that are rightfully yours.
Insurance Journal, “Ohio Work Comp Bureau Awards More Than $258K to Support Workplace Safety” No author given, Sep. 30, 2013