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Spinal cord injuries can happen at the workplace

On Behalf of | Oct 9, 2012 | Spinal Cord Injury

A workplace accident can happen at any time. This means that workers in Ohio should be concerned about the safety environment that their employer cultivates. If an employer has employees break known safety precautions and an accident happens, it is likely that the company will be liable for any injuries.

One of the most traumatic injuries that a person can receive is a spinal cord injury. Such injuries do not require a severe catalyst – sometimes a spinal cord injury can happen from something as seemingly simple as falling from a ladder. Do you work with ladders at work? How about at any sort of height above ground level? Both of these situations could result in an injured spinal cord if safety protocols are avoided. The injury could occur even if safety protocols are followed.

Research into spinal cord injuries is ongoing. Many scientists, therapists, physicians and families have worked together on countless studies to determine the best route of action for a person that has become partially, or fully, paralyzed due to a spinal cord injury. According to some reports, teamwork amongst medical staff is of the utmost importance in the recovery of a person that has sustained such damage. Eleven studies were published last month in Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation highlighting the need for such teamwork.

One of the major rehabilitation networks in the U.S. knows this and has contributors from several different fields working on the best practices for rehabilitating a person with a spinal cord injury. This network – known as the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation NueroRecovery Network -believes that its ability to help patients regain lost function relies heavily on the standardization of rehabilitation. Many patients, both newly injured and otherwise, have found that rehabilitation has led to an improvement in balance and motion as well as functions related to the bladder, bowel and sexual activity.

Source: Legal Examiner, “Teamwork enables spinal cord injury victims to walk,” Ellen Klepac, Oct. 4, 2012