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Hot Dog Causes Severe Disability for Ohio Boy

On Behalf of | Oct 12, 2010 | Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability Insurance is a federally funded program that provides assistance to people with disabilities, but many people often struggle to obtain badly needed benefits on their own. The process can be complicated and confusing. Many people, like one Ohio mother seek the assistance of someone trained to deal with social security disability issues.

The Ohio mother of 5-year-old Carlos sought assistance from a non-profit organization to obtain social security disability coverage after he suffered a severe traumatic brain injury from choking on a hot dog. She understands that he will require assistance throughout his life as the injury will inhibit his normal abilities many people take for granted.

The young boy had challenged his 4-year-old sister to a hot dog eating competition. His family described the situation and said that he had been putting on a show, but that the hot dog had been lodged in his throat when he tried to laugh. The family called 911 immediately after they realized that his face was turning blue and he was choking. Emergency personnel brought him to Providence Medford Medical Center where they were able to dislodge the hot dog.

Doctors told the family that he had suffered an anoxic brain injury when his brain was unable to receive desperately needed oxygen for an extended period of time. At one point, the boy’s heart had stopped beating and he remained in a coma for over a week. The boy required the assistance of a ventilator to breathe while in the hospital and still requires a feeding tube although he was released.

In the wake of the accident, the boy’s family has experienced significant financial trouble, and they know that each day into the future will be a struggle. Doctors are unsure if Carlos can recognize anyone, but the family is hopeful that their once exuberant boy will return to them someday.

Source: Mail Tribune “Choking on hot dog leaves child disabled” Sanne Specht 9/27/10