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How risky is it to work in the health care industry?

On Behalf of | May 27, 2020 | Workplace Injuries

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that health care workers are at the greatest risk for on-the-job injuries. This statistic stands in stark contrast to a long-held belief that construction workers were most vulnerable to workplace injuries. The reality is that those who work in hospitals and nursing homes have a higher injury rate than construction, logging or manufacturing workers.

Nursing home workers have the highest rate of injury. Those employed in the hospital, construction, logging and manufacturing sectors have the next highest injury rates.

Nearly 60% of health care injuries can be attributed to overexertion. Roughly 20% of them are due to falls, slips and trips. About 10% of injuries are attributable to some sort of workplace violence.

At least 30% of injured health care workers are injured while attempting to lift or move hospital patients. It’s not uncommon for patients to either intentionally or unintentionally inflict violence on hospital workers either.

Manual lifting or transferring of patients results in strains and sprains. This accounts for at least 50% of health care worker injuries annually. Nearly 20% of injuries are due to fractures and contusions. At least 15% of hospital workers are injured by punctures and lacerations each year.

Age plays a role in the number of injuries that health care workers experience. The age of the average nurse is now more than 50-years-old. This makes them more prone to injury.

If a health care worker is over the age of 40, then they’re 76% more likely to have an extended absence from work due to a prolonged injury.

Older workers are more likely to have reduced muscle mass and strength, resulting in more serious injuries and longer recovery times. Older health care workers have nearly 2.5 times the claim costs compared to younger ones.

It’s not uncommon for Columbus health care workers to get hurt on the job. Ohio law allows you to take leave and have your medical bills covered if you can prove that your injuries are job-related though.

The amount you may be awarded if you successfully file a claim varies depending on how badly hurt that you are. An attorney will seek to find out more about the onset of your condition before advising you of what course of action that you should take.